
CCBC offers the community accessible educational opportunities that are designed to help students:

CCBC maintains an open door policy for admission and welcomes anyone who can benefit from the learning experience in accordance with the admissions procedures outlined in this catalog.

General Admissions Procedure

An applicant to CCBC will need to complete the following steps for admission to enroll as a full or part-time student in credit courses or to audit courses:

Registrar’s Office
Building A, Room 150
7201 Rossville Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21237

CCBC Catonsville
800 South Rolling Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21228
CCBC Dundalk
7200 Sollers Point Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21222
CCBC Essex
7201 Rossville Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21237

Although SAT or ACT scores are not required for admission to CCBC, scores may be used for placement if the test was taken within two years from the date of application to CCBC. Some applicants may be exempt from placement testing with the following scores:

SAT - 550 or higher in either critical reading, writing, and math or
ACT - 21 or higher in either reading, writing, and math

Placement testing may be required for new first-time students.


Admission to General Credit Programs

The Community College of Baltimore County maintains an open-door admission policy. An applicant who demonstrates the maturity and ability to benefit from college instruction will be admitted to credit courses and programs.

Admission to Selective Health Professions Programs

In some Health Professions programs that are competitive, admission is restricted to students who meet specific admission criteria. A student must first be admitted to CCBC and then apply for consideration into these selective admission programs. Admission to CCBC does not guarantee acceptance into selective programs. For more information, refer to the identified program:

* This program articulates with Harford Community College.
** For this program only, application is made to CASPA before application to CCBC. Please log on to for complete information.

Admission Procedures for Students Still in High School

An applicant who is under the age of 16 is required to have a pre-admission interview with an Assistant Director of Admissions before proceeding with the enrollment process and needs to meet with an academic advisor before taking the placement test. The student will need to meet with an advisor each semester prior to registering for classes. For more information contact the CCBC Admissions office:

The Community College of Baltimore County reserves the right to admit secondary school students on a case-by-case basis.

Parallel Enrollment Program (PEP)

By enrolling in PEP, high school juniors and seniors who turn 16 before the end of their first semester of their enrollment, have an opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school. The tuition rate for Baltimore County PEP students is one-half the in-county tuition rate and is limited to two academic years beginning the summer session preceding the junior year, the fall and spring semesters of the junior year, the summer preceding the senior year, and the fall and spring semesters of the senior year. Baltimore County PEP students can take advantage of the tuition discount during the winter sessions in the junior and senior year.

How to Enroll in PEP:

Additional information about PEP, the CCBC Application for Admission and PEP Early Admission Consent Form may be obtained online, from the professional school counselor in your high school or a CCBC PEP Coordinator.

CCBC Catonsville
CCBC Dundalk
CCBC Essex

Gifted and Talented students

A student under the age of 16 may be considered for admission to CCBC if he or she:

To apply, a student is encouraged to submit the following to the Admissions office 30 days prior to the start of classes:

Home-Schooled Students

A student receiving home school instruction may apply to CCBC if he or she:

To apply, a student is encouraged to submit the following documents to the Admissions office 30 days prior to the start of classes:

International Student Services

CCBC welcomes international and immigrant students and offers programs and services that assist students throughout their college career. These include:

Contact an International Student Counselor for more information:

CCBC Catonsville
Building K, Room 202I

Admission of Prospective International Students Applying for an F-1 Visa

A new international student applicant must complete and submit the following documents to International Student Services to obtain an I-20 Form (Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant F-1 Student Status):