Every Talent tree offers access to Dedication. This Talent is the only way that a character can increase one of their Characteristics after creation is complete. It only ever appears once on each tree and generally in one of the last slots.
Purchasing the Same Talent Multiple Times Ranked TalentsMany trees have multiple entries for a single Talent. This is because many of the Talents can be learned repeatedly. When a character learns a Talent for the second-or later-time, they gain an additional rank of the Talent. With few exceptions, there is no set limit to the number of ranks that a character can possess of a given Talent. Instead. a character can learn as many ranks of each Talent as are present on any of their currently available Talent trees.
Unranked TalentsTalents that are not ranked can only be purchased a single time. If a character is advancing through a Specialization tree and reaches a Talent without ranks that they have already acquired from another Specialization tree, then they automatically purchase that Talent on their new Talent tree without spending Experience Points.
Talent Tree OrderAny time a player wishes to select a new Talent for their character, they must first make certain that it is currently accessible from one of the character's available Specialization trees. In order to navigate to a new Talent, the character must have already purchased all of the preceding Talents listed on the tree, so that they can draw a "line" from the top of the tree, through purchased Talents, to the new Talent. All such descents must follow the available lines shown on each tree.
Note that for some trees, directly descending a column is not possible, because there is a break in the listing. In these cases, the character must first descend a neighboring column, and then follow the line over before moving up or down the tree to access a desired talent.
Talent Descriptions• Activation explains whether a talent is always in use (Passive) or if a character must take some sort of action in order to activate it (Active).
Some talents can be activated on other characters' turns. If this is the case, the Activation will also include the (Out of Turn) note.
• Ranked indicates if a talent can be purchased multiple times (Yes) or only once (No). • Trees references the Specialization trees that provide access to the particular Talent.Note that for Ranked Talents, some of these trees may allow the character to purchase the Talent more than one time.