Empowering Your

We work hard to keep Carolina affordable for every student who earns admission.

The mission of the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid is to ensure students can study at Carolina regardless of their ability to pay.

Striving to maximize funds, exercise good stewardship, and support student success, we work together to:

Newsworthy Updates

UNC-Chapel Hill in top 5 of The Princeton Review’s best value colleges

April 2024 Congressional Hearing on FAFSA Rollout

Inside HigherEd: New On The Job Q&A with Dr. Rogers

2023 Student Financial Wellness Survey Results

FAFSA Simplification

In an effort to simplify the financial aid process you will see a new FAFSA for 2024-2025, this is part of what is known as FAFSA Simplification. The FAFSA Simplification Act represents a significant overhaul of the processes and systems used to award federal student aid.

Creating Required PIN Numbers

To protect and keep your information safe you will need to set up two Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) in ConnectCarolina. The PINs will be requested from you, or someone asking for information on your behalf to discuss account information when calling, emailing, or coming in person to our office.

Budgeting and Financial Wellness

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Net Price Calculator

The calculator is designed to give you an early indication of your eligibility for financial aid. The estimate is available to undergraduate students planning to enroll in school full-time in the academic year indicated. It is a tool that we hope will give you a clear picture of options and opportunities so you can make more informed decisions about your college choices.

Budgeting Calculator Instructions

Use the budgeting calculator to help understand how your financial offer will apply to your bill with the university.

Loan Fee Calculator

This calculator was built to help you calculate Federal Subsidized, Unsubsidized, Parent PLUS, and Graduate PLUS Loans origination fees. This can help you decide how much to borrow, or can show you the amount that will be applied to your bill after disbursement.

Financial Literacy Resources

Check out the financial literacy resources available for UNC students such as access to CashCourse, and offered workshops from the Dean of Students.

Off-Campus Living & Financial Aid

Have questions about moving off-campus and how it works with financial aid? Check out this page to learn more about how to use your financial aid for off-campus living. Not only for your housing needs, but other off-campus living needs.

Federal Assistance Programs

There are federal assistance programs in place that can help assist you with your needs outside of your financial aid at Carolina. Check out the programs below to learn more […]

Financial Literacy Symposium Resources

This page shares resources from the 2024 Financial Frontiers financial literacy symposium. It includes audio recordings of breakout sessions and slide decks from presenters on topics including saving & investing, credit & credit cards, and planning for life post-grad.