Clay County Sheriff's Office arrest report: Nov.7-Nov.14

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All individuals are innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law.

Peggy Gail Barnes, 63 of Hayesville: extradition/fugitive other state.

Steve Darren Stewart, 52 of Hayesville: possession of methamphetamine, driving while license revoked, failure to maintain lane control. Released on Nov.8.

Ashley Jeanette Brockwell, 38 of Hayesville: assault on an officer, serious injury. Released on Nov.11.

Francisco De Jesus, 29 of Asheville, NC: no operator's license. Released on Nov.8.

Mark Thomas May IV, 32 of Murphy: Failure to appear, felony. Released on Nov. 9.

Timothy Jeffery Mccoy, 41 of Marble: no charge data. Released on Nov. 9.

Vickie Ledford Allen, 65, Hayesville: failure to appear, misdemeanor. Released Nov.10.

William Howard Gibson, 53 of Hayesville: open container after consumption, fictional/altered title/registration card/tag. Released on Nov.14.

Ricky James Dyer, 46 of Hayesville: assault of a female, assault by strangulation, communicating threats. Released on Nov.14.

Brett Andrew McCray, 27 of Hayesville: failure to appear on misdemeanor, failure to appear on felony. Released on Nov.12.

Evan Douglas Penland, 39 of Hayesville: assault on a female, false imprisonment, interfering with a 911 communications. Released on Nov.14.

Hollie Jessica Robinson, 35 of Murphy: failure to appear on misdemeanor.

Heather Kelly Hawkins, 38 of Marble: possession with intent to manufacture/sell/deliver schedule II controlled substance, maintain place controlled substance.

Lois Jean McCreary, 38 of Brasstown: failure to appear on misdemeanor, failure to appear on misdemeanor. Released on Nov.13.