Municipal address change - changing a house number

Land Severance/consolidation, rezoning applications, development review or building permit applications, please visit the City of Toronto website for current fees.

Municipal Numbering of a Property

Different kinds of developments need different kinds of municipal addressing or municipal numbering. In particular, those developments that result in new properties.

Emergency services, property assessments, building and other permits all need correct municipal addresses.

Applications should be submitted without fee. Municipal addressing staff will advise the applicant of the fee.

Contact Engineering & Construction Services - Engineering Support Services - Land & Property Surveys by email about these types of municipal address changes.

Mail issues - shared mailboxes

If your building has a single entrance, Land and Property Surveys will not be able to assist you. You cannot change a municipal address by using 1A, 1B, etc., under these circumstances. You can identify internal units by unit numbers, but you may be required to provide Canada Post with documentation showing that these are legal units at this address.

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