To find food and shelter, visit: Local Food and Shelter Resources for more information.
Need a meal today? Click here for a list of Prepared Meals Programs in San Mateo County
For free groceries, call Second Harvest Food Bank or Food Connection Hotline 1-800-984-3663,
To connect with community services for food, shelter, job services, child care, senior services, counseling and much more,dial "211" or visit SMC Connect!
Services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; multiple languages spoken.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.
Are you pregnant or have kids under 5? WIC can teach you how to cook healthy, delicious food—and help you afford it. WIC can also help you learn how to breastfeed so your baby eats healthy too, all for free. Visit the San Mateo County WIC website for more information.
Farmers' markets sell fresh, seasonal produce direct from local farms. Some markets accept EBT, WIC vouchers, and SFMNP vouchers. Many even participate in the Market Match Program, which provides up to $10 extra to spend on fresh fruits & vegetables.
For locations of these farmers' markets within San Mateo County, visit the Ecology Center's Farmers' Market Finder .
Individuals aged 60 or above may qualify for San Mateo County's nutrition programs for Older Adults, such as group lunches at congregate meal sites and/or home-delivered meals. Visit the Aging & Adult Services Nutrition page or contact the San Mateo County TIES Line (1-800-675-8437) for more information.
On-site food pantries are available at the following local colleges to provide fresh, free groceries for students in need.
Sparkpoint at Canada College: Building 5, Room 202
Food Pantry hours (except on college holidays and breaks):
To make an appointment, please contact SparkPoint at Cañada College at 650-381-3550.
Sparkpoint at Skyline College: Building 1, Room 1-214
Food Pantry hours (except on college holidays and breaks):
The food pantry may also be open by appointment by calling SparkPoint at Skyline College at 650-738-7035.
College of San Mateo Health Services Center in Public Safety/Medical Services Building 1, Room 147.
Food Pantry hours (except on college holidays and breaks):
Students and members of the public may make an appointment by calling the Health Center at 650-574-6396.
Foothill College: located in the Student Affairs Office - Room 2002.
Food Pantry hours (except on college holidays and breaks):
Students can make an appointment by calling the Student Affairs Office at 650-949-7241