SAP Business Application Studio is a development environment available on SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). Before you can start developing applications with SAP Business Application Studio, you must perform the required onboarding steps that are described in this tutorial.
Open all Close all Configure entitlements for SAP Business Application StudioThis tutorial follows the guidance provided in the SAP BTP Developer’s Guide.
This task is usually done by the administrator of the global account in SAP BTP. Developers then need to create their personal development space by following the instructions in Step 4: Launch SAP Business Application Studio below.
with the entitlements entry highlighted on the left sidebar indicating it’s selected, the “Add Service Plans” highlighted in the entitlements section on the right indicating it’s clicked, a popover is visible in which you can find and add entitlements, the entry for “SAP Business Application Studio” is selected and the plan “free (Application) is checked finally the ”Add 1 Service Plan" button is highlighted." width="" />
This task is usually done by the administrator of the global account in SAP BTP. Developers then need to create their personal development space by following the instructions in Step 4: Launch SAP Business Application Studio below.
after opening the menu an option to create an SAP Business Application Studio Instance is seen." width="" />
Creating your new subscription might take some minutes. You can check the current status of the submission on the Service Instances and Subscriptions page.